Thursday, July 20, 2006

Found a better way to have computer access at Adam's...

Hi y'all. Last night when I was goofing off on the internet for about 7 hours I was in the Cowling's isolated den at their computer. But Adam mentioned to me today that his family has wireless internet in the house, so I snuck into Adam's room and am, um, "borrowing" his laptop so I can lay on the couch and watch tv while I goof off. I think I'm too addicted to multitasking. And their den chair is not as comfy as the couch. :-P

Still haven't slept yet. I laid in bed for about 5 hours between 7am and noon this morning but still couldn't sleep. Oh well. I'll talk to my doc AGAIN about it when I get back to Roanoke on Saturday. But on the plus side, it's giving me time to work on my blog and get caught up on y'alls. (See? I'm getting good at the whole "silver lining" thing.) ;-)

Thanks Gareth for letting me know about the bum links. I think I've gotten it straightened out now. I'm such a quiz junkie. Y'all feel free to send me whatever results ya get. (I'm nosy, too.) :-P

Adam actually has tomorrow off from work so it looks like I'ma get to go to some craft stores tomorrow!! For part of my bday he's getting me $30 worth of beading supplies, and that'll buy a BUNCH of stuff. I'm so excited. I'm also getting spoiled rotten because they have a swimming pool outback and I'm getting a little too used to being able to go hang out in the pool everyday. I can do things in the pool that I can't do on dry land. Ok, that didn't come out right. It's just that in water I can put full weight on my bad knee without it hurting as much, and I can stretch out muscles that I can't normally do. Think I'ma have to try and get involved in some water aerobics classes like my rheumatologist suggested. I also want a masseuse like he also suggested... maybe a hot one who has a nice accent. Hee hee. Um, just kidding? ;-)

Ok, I'm getting much goofier from my lortab, so I'ma go take some silly quizzes on
emode (which was also my prime method of procrastination all throughout college). Hee hee.

Hope everyone has had a really good day.


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