Saturday, July 29, 2006

Ok, so I'm now up to 17 different prescription medications at the same time :-/

Wow, it's been more than a week since my last post. And the weather girl on my blog still looks like a hooker. :-P But look at the beautimous addition of Andy Roddick to my blog! There's even a cool update thingy straight from his website underneath! If you're not as into tennis (or Andy Roddick) as I am, then the ladies can just consider it a lil eye candy for visiting my blog. And if you prefer female eye candy, then you can check out the streetwalking weather girl underneath Roddick's info. :-P

I'm sorry for going AWOL like that. My entire body hurts so bad I could SCREAM, and with my wrists flaring up, it makes typing a little difficult. I'm frustrated beyond words with the ongoing game of "Stump the 11 Doctors". Good news is my main doc mentioned today that he wants to refer me to Duke University so they can poke and prod and hopefully figure out what's wrong. Dunno how long the referral process will take though. The part that's gonna kill me is that I'm a hardcore Tarheels
fan, ergo the thought of putting my health in Duke's hands makes me shudder. But hey, if they can cure me, I might change my opinion of their establishment. ;-) Think they'd get mad if I wore my Tarheels letterman jacket down there? Ha ha.

They've now put me on a pretty strong cocktail of drugs to handle the mental side effects of my current situation and they basically knock me on my hiney and mimic the effects of being a rambling/stumbling drunk so I think I'ma go lay down.

I'll try not to be so sporadic with the posts in the future. Hope all of y'all have been having a good week! I promise to get caught up on your blogs in the next day or two.

G'nighty night.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm really jealous that you get to taste 17 different sweets all at the same time ;)
I hope you get to feeling better very soon :)

11:38 AM  
Blogger Misty said...

LOL - Gareth! I think the pub is just abut all you can HANDLE! LOL Your Dad told me you might be getting a referral to Duke so I'm praying that all goes well.As far as a stumbling bumbling drunk - Hey aren't you glad typing is so cool or we would be listening to you ramble while trying to tell us of the wonderful meds you're on! LOL OAll kidding aside - get some rest and you gave me a wonderful birthday present just by signing on an letting us know you are still conherent enough to make funny jokes on the blog. P.S. I like the Andy Picture!

12:19 PM  
Blogger OBXN said...

Nicky- I am so glad that you are back. I really hope they can find out something promising. Feel better!

7:56 PM  

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