Saturday, August 05, 2006

Top ten signs you need to re-examine your sleep schedule...

One of the top ten lists I wrote when I was in college... sadly it still applies. ;-)


10. You don't even need caffeine to pull an all-nighter anymore.

9. You finish your IM conversations with g'mornin instead of g'night.

8. The staff that works the midnight to 7am shift at IHOP knows you by name (at least they DID when I was still in Blacksburg).

7. Whenever any of your friends can't sleep, they can rely on you to be awake and talk to them till the wimps finally nod off. ;-)

6. You talk to most of your friends while they're getting ready for work in the morning, as you're getting ready for bed.

5. You complain about the fact that the only tv programming past 2am is infomercials.

4. Your clock says 4:30 and you actually have to think about whether that's am or pm.

3. You've seen more sunrises than sunsets.

2. Your phone rings at noon and you get ticked at it for having the nerve to ring THAT early. ;-)

1. You write stuff like THIS in the middle of the night out of sheer boredom.


Blogger Misty said...

Hey girl! sunrises are nice! :)

8:37 PM  
Blogger OBXN said...

These are cool. I have accomplished some of these so I guess I am on my way! Have a good one!

10:07 PM  
Blogger OBXN said...

Oops wrong list! I thought I was on the "what all woman should have..." but on another note, I too used to be an insomniac so I know all about it!

10:08 PM  

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