Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's nearly 8am and I haven't been able to sleep yet...

Sorry y'all, been havin a rough time this past week. Ended up doing the hermit thing again and freakin some people out (sorry Abbie) but just haven't been feeling very social. Basically just been going to physical therapy, and trying to keep my mind off of Friday (aka tomorrow). On one hand, I'm looking forward to it because I'll get to see Adam (woohooo!) but on the other hand, I've gotta go back to the hematologist to get the results from my bone marrow test (yipe). So the more I try not to think about Friday, the more I end up thinking about it. I owe tons to y'all keeping me sane these past couple of weeks, and yet AGAIN I've been lousy about regular bloggage, and generally keeping in touch with people.

I'm Sorry


Wanna say thank you AGAIN to Abbie for signing me up for Netflix free for 3 months!!!!! That was freakin AWESOME of you to do and it's been helping make the whole "stuck in bed" thing a lil better since I can't get out much. Trust me, I'm makin sure you get your full money's worth out of that. I've had it for 2 weeks and I've already seen 9 movies. I've got 2 more movies coming tomorrow in the mail.
Custom Smiley


Wellllll, there's not much else to talk about so I guess I'll try again to get some sleep before physical therapy today. Hope everyone else is having an awesome week! For those of you with a regular 9-5ish job, keep your head up, it's almost the end of your week!

Wakka Wakka


G'mornin y'all.


Blogger Unknown said...

Lol your first little smilie is cracking me up :P

Take care and good luck with everything tomorrow buddy :)

6:57 AM  
Blogger Tina said...

Take care and I hope you are feeling well :) You are in my thoughts.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for no cancer! Enjoy the weekend back at the Burg.


1:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya Nicky, I don't know if you ever saw the original of this a few years ago but this is so funny .....

And also this video too .....

8:15 AM  
Blogger Misty said...

Hey Nicky - Just checking in - I hope you enjoy your weekend in Blacksburg (Go VA Tech Go!)and I'll chat with you next week! Have a wonderful weekend with Adam!!!!

8:33 AM  
Blogger DP's mom said...

Hey there. Man do I feel crappy that I've gotten so behind on here! I've been having a hard time with the narcolepsy lately, so blogging has been quite "low" on my priority scale. But I feel terrible because judging by the posts you've written since then, now more than ever is when you could use support. My goodness. You are such a strong person. I hope you know that. Everything that you've gone through makes you so much tougher and harder to "break" than most other people in this world. I know those seem like empty words sometimes, especially when you're having a worse-than-normal day, but you come through things that most other people would give up on. Stay positive. You have so much going for you, and a boyfriend who obviously loves you unconditionally because he's stayed by you. As always, if you need to talk, send an email. And you will be in my prayers. :)

3:16 PM  
Blogger lonely palmtree said...

tina, joff, misty, ~ I just wanted to say thank you to all you guys for all the support you've been giving me. y'alls comments always make me smile, and I appreciate that.

gareth ~ the videos were HILARIOUS!! thanks for the laughs, I needed 'em!

deanndra ~ don't worry about getting behind with blogs, I'm definitely guilty of that lately, myself. I'm sorry to hear your narcolepsy has been especially rough for you lately. I really wish I had some words of advice for ya, but since I don't, I'll give you as much support as I can. you're always welcome to email or IM me ("ntk ocean" on AIM, "supermunkeee" on yahoo messenger) any time you need to. and I'm going to be taking you up on the email offer. hope things are going better for you.

I promise all of y'all that I'll do better with keeping up with everyone's blogs and commenting on them. I love y'all. :-)

10:55 PM  

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