Monday, August 21, 2006

Back in Roanoke...

Hi y'all! I'm back in Roanoke from an awesome trip to Chesapeake with Adam. He's so good to me. I'd forgotten how nice it is to have car doors opened for me, doors held, little gifts for no reason. And his family is so amazing. They treat me just like I'm already in their family (probably because Adam's already told his parents that I'm the one he's gonna marry). His family really is amazingly good to me. It's kinda odd, but his mom reminds me so much of my mom. (Which I guess makes sense since he's a clone of his mom, I'm a clone of my mom, and Adam and I are clones of eachother.) :-P It's the weirdest little things, like I'll catch one of Debbie's mannerisms out of the corner of my eye and I'll swear it was mom. My family has been hesitant for me to visit them because my family thought that if they saw the full extent of my disabilities, then they'd change their minds about me and encourage Adam to dump me to find someone with less baggage. Adam's parents (Debbie and Bryan) never make me feel like I'm not good enough for their son. They call me on holidays to say that they love me and hope I have a great holiday, always keep me laughing, and are genuinely good people. They've just taken me under their wing and treated me like I'm one of their own, and I'll be forever grateful for their unconditional love. Y

Congratulations to Ryan and Amanda who got married this past weekend!! I wish you guys all the best. :-)

In case anyone isn't familiar with what's going on down in Blacksburg, I got a call from Adam this morning. He said he was on his way out the door to go to his first day of classes when he found out that the police have shut down the Virginia Tech campus and cancelled classes today. There's an escaped convict on the loose who has already killed 2 people and critically wounded a third person. The tough thing is that the ex-con is 24 years old and looks like your typical college kid, so they're having a hard time finding him in a college town. I told Adam to make SURE he stays in his apartment today.

Hmmmm... what else to talk about... gonna have to have a procedure done this Wednesday and then an outpatient surgery procedure next week. So not really lookin forward to that too much. But I've been going to physical therapy for the past 2 weeks, and it's SOOOOO nice to finally have a doctor who can make some kind of progress with me. The exerecises make me hurt like a champ and wear me out, but I can see that they are actually helping some. So that's a nice change from the norm of leaving the doctor's office with no improvement and no game plan. And my physical therapist is really nice. It also helps that she's a fellow Virginia Tech alumni and big Hokie football fan like me, so we have stuff to talk about while I'm there.

Not sure what else to talk about, so I'ma go get caught up on y'all's blogs since I fell off the radar there for a few days. Hope everyone is having a great Monday.


Blogger OBXN said...

They caught the guy- THANK GOODNESS!!! What an awful thing he has done- killing 2 law enforcement officers with families- It makes me so MAD!!!
I hope that your procedures go smoothly this week! Have a good one!

10:10 PM  
Blogger DP's mom said...

Whew! Alot going through your mind, eh? Ok, glad you got to go on a trip...always relaxing, and you deserve it! Good luck on your upcoming surgery. I'll be praying for you. And I knew someone that went there a few years ago. Pretty scary stuff. I guess I should watch the news to figure out what the outcome was! Lol. Hope Adam was ok! :-)

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sweet to hear of you and your boyfriend :) Hope your procedures work ok for you. Stay strong as I know you are :) ~ AD Sis ;)

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope...I dont believe you are back in Roanoke...nope at all - where are ya?! ;)

I only forgive you if you are watching the U.S. Open ;) teehee

5:50 PM  

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