Monday, August 07, 2006

Perhaps the meds have me in an "over-sharing" mood...

First and foremost, I do not intend this post to be a "downer". I've just had a lot of things on my mind lately (probably part of the reason I can't sleep) and I realize how many issues there are out there that aren't getting the attention that they deserve. If any of you have my AIM screenname (ntk ocean) you've probably already seen these, but something inside of me feels the need to post 'em here, too. Currently I have no income so I cannot send donations to support these issues, and I cannot volunteer because of my medications and lack of transportation, so I'm doing the one thing I CAN do... educating others and passing the info along in the hope that they can do something... then maybe they'll tell someone else... and it would spread like a "phone tree" type of scenario. I realize there is a plethora of issues that need support, and I know it probably seems selfish of me to only list the ones that have directly affected me, but if anyone else would like me to include any other issues, please let me know.
- Breast Cancer Awareness ~ get involved/educated
I never even got to know my maternal aunt very well because of this disease, and my maternal cousin was taken from us far too soon when this disease spread to her bones.
-Colon Cancer Awareness ~ get involved/educated
My mother's life was cut painfully short due due to this disease, I lost a young maternal cousin to colon cancer, and it has also affected my health when the colon cancer gene was passed along to me.
-Fibromyalgia Awareness ~ get involved/educated
I knew absolutely nothing about this illness until a few months ago, and was forced to learn even more about it when my rheumatologist diagnosed me with it.
-Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness ~ get involved/educated
I thought this only affected the elderly until I was diagnosed with it. It really can affect anyone at any age.
-Stopping Violence Against Women ~ get involved/educated
I have my own reason for including this one. But it's definitely an issue that needs more attention than it currently gets.
-Depression ~ get involved/educated
This has affected a couple of close friends, and family, as well as myself. It is a legitimate illness and there should not be such a negative stigma attached to people who suffer from depression.
Here's the website for the American Cancer Society if you want info on any of the additional types of cancer not already included in this post.
If you're a survivor or know anyone who has been affected by a serious illness, show your support. Here's a list of what each ribbon color represents.
I apologize if this post affected anyone in a negative way. I'm just trying to do the best I can given my limited resources to support some issues that are close to my heart.
I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Oh, and there's another new post right after this one.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad that you are bringing this to the forefront in your readers minds Nicky. I have had quite a few relatives who have died from cancer and are currently going through cancer treatment :(
My maternal grandfather died in '97 from cancer.
My paternal granny died from it in 2002.
An uncle's wife died from it just a couple of months ago.
And I currently have a 17 year old cousin going through his second treatment from cancer. This was after he fought and won his battle against it 10 years previously.

There are alot of families that could tell a similar story. Very very sad.

7:28 AM  
Blogger lonely palmtree said...

gareth ~ it really is astounding how many lives are touched by cancer. I'm very sorry for your losses, and your cousin is in my thoughts and prayers.

11:05 PM  

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