I apologize if this post doesn't entirely make sense cuz I am LOADED on meds right now...
The weekend was really fun cuz Adam bought me a wheelchair off the internet since I can't walk for long periods of time, like around the mall, and to the football games, etc.

The only bad part of the weekend was Virginia Tech's AWFUL performance at the football game on Saturday.

Unfortunate lesson learned from this weekend: If you are fair skinned, then you easily get sunburned at football games where it is constantly sunny despite a weather forecast of cloudy/rainy. I realize that's just an obvious fact. Here's the lesson part: If you decide to show your school spirit by putting a fake tattoo on your left cheek (face cheek for those of you who easily stray to the gutter), then when you remove the tattoo (painfully) later that night, you have a "VT" logo sunburned into your cheek. And yes, with my albino complexion, it's blatantly obvious.

Switching gears to the medical front, I went to the doctor this past week (my regular doc, not one of the specialists) and he's decided that it's definitely time for me to be referred to Duke's medical center, basically because I've stumped all the docs up here in Virginia. So he said he's going to be getting the ball rolling on that. Figures it would be Duke though since I'm a HUGE Tarheels fan. If Duke can cure me of whatever it is that I have, then I will agree to stop knocking Duke's academics. But I'm still rooting against their athletics.
Top 10 Signs Your Doctors Have You On Too Many Prescriptions:
10. Every doctor sites some of your problems being that you're on too many prescriptions, then proceeds to give you a few more prescriptions before you leave their office.
9. Y'know how doctors always prefer for you to bring all your prescription bottles with you to each appointment? Well, they barely fit into a large Kroger plastic bag.
8. Due to the embarrassment of having to carry a large Kroger plastic bag into each doctor's office, you decide to write each prescription down on notecards to take, instead of the Kroger bag.
7. After doing #8, you realize it takes 2 entire notecards to list all of your medications.
6. You're on 10 prescriptions to directly help with some of your illnesses, and 10 more prescriptions to counter all the side affects of the first 10 prescriptions.
5. You stop using one of those countainers where you can load up each day of meds into a compartment, because they don't make any that are large enough for all of the daily meds.
4. You tell the time of day based on which prescriptions you've had to take/will be taking. I'll include a real life example from earlier today:
-- Gene': I've gotta leave to go pick up J.D. at 10pm. What time is it now?
-- Me: We've got another hour to talk cuz I take more Lortab and Librium at 10pm.
3. When packing for a weekend visit, your pills for 3 days take up an entire compartment in your suitcase.
2. You talk to the pharmacist at Walgreens so often that not only does he know you by name, but he also knows enough about you to make conversation with you whenever you call in refills or pick up prescriptions.
1. It's like playing a game of tetris to get all the prescription bottles to fit in your lockbox where you keep your medications.
Here are a couple of random smilies that don't apply to anything in this post, but they made me chuckle so I thought I'd share 'em with y'all...
Ooooh, cute kitty picture time!! (Yeah yeah, so I'm a lil biased cuz they're my babies. What can I say, I'm a proud mama.)
Emmie's hiding place in the cabinet.
Saph proving she CAN fit into an empty Dr. Pepper box.
Emmie hogging the entire bed.
For some reason, Saph LOVED laying in the bathroom sink in my old apt.
Both kitties chillin in the bottom part of my hutch.
Double decker kitties!
I LOVE my babies.
Well, my pain killers are starting to kick pretty hard so I'ma sign off and see if my body will let me sleep tonight. I hope everybody has a good Monday... and just think, even though it's Monday, getting through today will get you one day closer to the weekend.
I love y'all and appreciate all the support you continue to give me on a regular basis. It's so amazing that it gives me goosebumps. You guys are so good to me.
G'mornin y'all.
ok so your bed time appears to be my wake up time how ironic! awful does not BEGIN to cover our beloved hokies showing this weekend... they need to get their act together! way to go on the perma-tattoo... hope that fades soon. the kitties are precious as ever! mad kudos to adam for finding a way to get you around town for some fun with out all the stress! hope all is well this week... maybe i'll be up that way for homecoming. i'll keep you posted :) ~the infamous co-prez
Wow! Young Lady I'm so impressed with Adam - God Bless HIm!!!! Give him hugs for me the next time you see him. Love the kitty pictures and now we have to find a way to get you alaptop if you are in Duke - I'm sure they aren't going to let you take your desktop computer with you! LOL - Love ya! AD MOM
Lick the frozen pole, eh. In that case, I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU.
There's a Seinfeld episode where the crew buy a new wheelchair for an unfortunate soul. The Cougar 9000 was dubbed the "Rolls Royce of wheelchairs," and "when you sit in it, you're almost glad to be handicapped." Anyway, once your arms get big and buff from pushing yourself around in your new set of wheels, I think you should try out for Murderball. Your excess of medication should compensate for the lack of a quadriplegic state. I'll even get you a vanity license plate for your wheelchair; it'll say: ROLLING THUNDER.
I had the pleasure of sitting in the super-duper alumni section for the debacle that was that game. I actually blame the play-calls rather than the O-line. GT blitzed all the time, even on 3rd and long (which we knew beforehand) but we still ran everything in the playbook EXCEPT slants, draws, and screens. It also wasn't until the 4th did we audible a pass play. The false start on 4th and 1 in the redzone really hurt; it would have been nice to get at least a TD after our INTs instead of 3 FGs. As for our 2nd half collapse, I think Glennon LIKES getting sacked. Why else would he 5-step-drop and/or double pump while GT continued to send the house. Even on max-protect, I still don't expect the O-line to pickup the blitzes most of the time.
I actually have your tattoo sunburn beat. You probably don't remember an ex-gf of mine named Stacey. On car rides to and from her hometown in NC, I'd drive and I'd also habitually lay my hand on her inner thigh. Well she tanned almost as easily as myself, so when we arrived at her parents' place, we realized there was a tanned imprint of my hand on her thigh. Thankfully I spotted it and covered her up before her parents saw the evidence.
Adam seems to be a WONDERFUL man! That's great to hear that he goes the extra mile to be so supportive!
BTW- I loved that Tech lost ss I am a UVA fan.
Now I will be banned I am sure lol! Have a great week!
Co-Prez -- It was GREAT hearing from you!! I really regret that we're not in the same city anymore cuz I miss ya hun! Definitely lemmie know if you'll be up here for homecoming cuz I'd LOVE to get to see you.
Misty -- Your hugs have been delivered via the phone, and he appreciated 'em. (I kept one or two for myself though.) :-) If I end up down in Duke, hopefully Abbie and her husband will end up nearby and I'll be able to use her computer. Dunno how Duke's gonna work though... if I'll be admitted to the hospital while they run all the tests, or if I can stay nearby with a friend. I'll let ya know as soon as I learn more.
Joff -- Hahahahaaa. I knew you'd have a movie quote for me. :-) We were joking this past weekend about how my wheelchair needs some cool spinning rims, and a snowplow hooked to the front that can work as a people-mover. (Hee hee!) And yes, your sunburn tattoo story DEFINITELY tops mine!! Good thing her parents didn't see cuz that would've been awkward to explain. ;-)
OBXN -- I'll try not to hold it against you that you're a UVA fan. ;-) (Just kidding.) I really appreciate your comments and support. :-)
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