Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Highlight of my day today: painting my nails pink... which is a pretty big accomplishment since my hands kinda shake a lil constantly. ;-)

I had to call my doc today to let him know that the current doses of meds weren't working... so of all the medications for him to adjust, he doubled the one prescription that's responsible for the majority of my goofiness, dizziness, inability to edit myself, and basically makes me feel like a drunk. So this should be interesting.

MAN I wish I could just get in my car and drive myself to the mall. I need to get a new dress for a wedding coming up in a lil over a week. My sister hates shopping, so she pressured me into buying one of the first dresses we saw at a weird non-mall store the other day so she could hurry up and drop me back off at home. Every time I look at the dress, the uglier it gets. Whenever my sis does take me anywhere, she rushes me cuz she wants to hurry up and get back home. It kinda feels like she's embarrassed to be seen with me in public. Wouldn't ya know that the main person who will take me out in public (after bribing and begging) HATES shopping and refuses to go anywhere near the mall. Hence the reason I REEEEEALLY wanna get in my car and go mozy around the mall for awhile. My poor lil blue car has just been sitting there in the driveway, pleading with me to drive it. *sigh* I just wish my sister would realize that the brief trips where I actually get out of the house are often the highlight of my week because they're few and far between, and I'd like to be able to take my time and enjoy the scenery while we're out. Oh well. I guess I'll take whatever I can get at this point. Sorry for the rant.

I can feel the meds kicking pretty hard so I think I'ma go watch some mindless TV until I hopefully nod off.

Ad-Mom ~ I'd like to apologize in advance for how goofy I'ma sound on the phone tomorrow when I give ya a call. :-P

Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!

(Oh, btw, my friend Chad wrote a randomly funny thing on his blog titled "A Dirty Glass" so feel free to head on over to his blog if you wanna read it.)


Blogger DP's mom said...

You and I have very similar yet polar opposite problems...you can't go to sleep, and I can't stay awake. I found out a year ago that I have narcolepsy. Reading through some of your posts here, my heart just goes out to you. Although I know our issues are entirely different, I sooo understand your frustration and stress. And the fact that sometimes you have "down days". I'd like to say that sleep problems get better, but the truth is, they seldom do. You just learn to COPE better. But I thought I'd give you some pointers I've learned while researching sleeping disorders. I'm sure some of these have already been told to you...but on the off-chance one of them hasn't and it might actually work, that's why I figured I'd try.

-no caffeine PERIOD after 6 p.m.

-don't read, study, listen to music, or anything that requires you to stay awake in a place where you should be sleeping. Meaning, don't take a book to bed. A study I came across said that your brain will train itself to fight sleep after you do this for awhile.

-exercise about 3 hours before you want to sleep. Doesn't mean you have to go run a marathon, just means get your heart rate up a bit for about 20 minutes. This will help blood flow, and cause you to feel "tired" once the endorphins wear off

-take up something for the stress. Yoga, writing, reading, musical instrument, SOMETHING. But something that's all for you. Don't involve anyone else. I learned that sometimes when we deal with stress and involve others, we have a tendency to "mask" it a bit, and cause it to manifest. Even something as silly as taking a piece of paper and writing down each thought as they come, paying no mind to grammar or repeated words, helps. Then throw it away. If you're frustrated, write down EXACTLY what comes to mind. Throwing it away is sort of like letting yourself see that you're choosing to let it go.

-Reach out for support on the internet. There are TONS of websites for sleeping disorders/problems. Look for the forums that have some type of instant messenger or way to communicate with others. At first you're going to feel like an outsider, and that you "dont' belong". Trust me, swallow that just for a bit. Because after awhile, it actually REALLY REALLY helps to talk to others and hear their experiences. Go to Google and put "Talk about sleep" in there. That's an awesome site to start with.

-Don't lay in bed trying to sleep for more than 30 minutes to an hour. If you can't sleep, get up. Don't go doing anything physically exerting. But go sit in front of the tv. Grab a notepad and write down your feelings about not falling asleep. Something to keep your mind a little preoccupied off the fact that you really WANT to go to sleep...as that causes stress and then keeps you awake. Or take up some type of creative activity. Cross-stitching, knitting, crocheting, scrapbooks, etc.

-Keep a diary of what you're going through. This will not only help you to see what types of changes your going through, but will also help your doctors. When they first put me on meds, for months I kept a journal of my heart rate, blood pressure, and overall general health. I wrote down when I went to bed and approximately how long it took me to fall asleep. As well as write down the times of the day you feel tired. This will help your doctors to notice any "patterns" or anything.

-Take some naps during the day if you can. But keep them short. A good nap is around 20 minutes. Although it may not feel good to you because you're so exhausted, naps lasting longer than 20 minutes can help keep you up at night.

-Take a warm shower/bath about an hour before bed. This helps you to relax a little.

That's all the suggestions I can think of off the top of my head right now. Sorry this is so long. Please, if you need to talk to anyone...vent...whatever...leave a comment on my blog with your email or IM (aol). I won't post the comment, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I know what it's like to feel depressed sometimes about this. And if you pray, keep praying. And I'll pray for you as well. Chin up. It DOES get better...I promise.

5:30 PM  
Blogger DP's mom said...

Crap, I put a grammatical error in there. At one point, I put "your" instead of "you're". This is a pet-peeve of mine...so I thought I would at least admit to it should some of my blog friends stop by here. Lol.

5:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL Dee Dee!!! Nicky have you met Dee Dee yet, hahaha. She made another priceless mistake ;)

6:55 PM  

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