Random fact...
In the Everglades down in Florida, they actually throw marshmallows into the water to get the alligators to come within sight of the tourists. Who'da thunk alligators would like marshmallows?? Weeeeeird. Also kinda makes you wonder how they figured that out for the first time. :-P
Walgreens FINALLY got my Lortab prescription refilled!!!! So now I'm not crying from the pain anymore!! Woohoooooo! Downside: with the pain relief came the extra loopyness again. But the upside is that people seem to enjoy talking with me on the phone when I'm all medicated cuz apparently it makes for some "interesting" conversations. Haha.
Since I was back on my pain pills and not in excruciating pain last night for the first time in a few days, I slept for 13 hours last night. And all I gots to say is that it was some of the best sleep I've gotten in MONTHS. I guess my body just finally crashed.
Got to talk to one of my really good friends from UNC-Wilmington tonight. I really makes me feel good when a long-distance friendship manages to keep thriving after not seeing eachother for 6 years. (Thank goodness for instant messenger.) :-P
This is ending up being a babbling post. Hmmmm. What other randomness can I come up with?
How do you guys manage to get the smiley faces to actually show up as smilies and not the colon and parenthesis in y'alls posts?
There might be another post tonight. Not sure yet. Depends on if I can sleep tonight or not.
Oh yeah, here's a funny comic strip I came across today. I LOVE "Get Fuzzy"! (If you click on it, it'll show up large enough to be able to read.)

Hope it got a smile out of y'all. :-)
Walgreens FINALLY got my Lortab prescription refilled!!!! So now I'm not crying from the pain anymore!! Woohoooooo! Downside: with the pain relief came the extra loopyness again. But the upside is that people seem to enjoy talking with me on the phone when I'm all medicated cuz apparently it makes for some "interesting" conversations. Haha.
Since I was back on my pain pills and not in excruciating pain last night for the first time in a few days, I slept for 13 hours last night. And all I gots to say is that it was some of the best sleep I've gotten in MONTHS. I guess my body just finally crashed.
Got to talk to one of my really good friends from UNC-Wilmington tonight. I really makes me feel good when a long-distance friendship manages to keep thriving after not seeing eachother for 6 years. (Thank goodness for instant messenger.) :-P
This is ending up being a babbling post. Hmmmm. What other randomness can I come up with?
How do you guys manage to get the smiley faces to actually show up as smilies and not the colon and parenthesis in y'alls posts?
There might be another post tonight. Not sure yet. Depends on if I can sleep tonight or not.
Oh yeah, here's a funny comic strip I came across today. I LOVE "Get Fuzzy"! (If you click on it, it'll show up large enough to be able to read.)

Hope it got a smile out of y'all. :-)
Whoa! Young lady Knockin' you AD Mom's job - P.S. we're not the liberal media just the Media! LOL
Great job on the sleep ZZZZZZZZ.
You and me may not be liberal, but the national media is very left wing....
"Why do angels only fly in circles? Everyone knows there ain't a left wing in heaven."
Take care Palmtree...
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