I'm such a blonde.
Here's my blonde moment from this evening...
I was trying to make myself some dinner cuz I was hungry but lazy, and every college grad knows that hungry + lazy = single serving easy-mac. So I was just going to make one pouch of it, which called for 3/4 of a cup of water. Then I decided I wanted to make 2 servings at once, which requires 1 cup of water, instead of 3/4. So I add another 1/4 cup of water. Then after looking at the measuring cup I realize that I previously added 2/3 of a cup instead of 3/4. At this point I'm too medicated and lazy (and blonde) to figure out how much more water I need to add to have a full cup of water added to the darn stuff. So what do I do? I suck up my dignity and call my aerospace engineering boyfriend who can do insanely difficult math in his head, cuz I figured this level of math would be a walk in the park for him. And it was. And I felt like an idiot. But hooraaay, the easy-mac got made successfully.
And yes, I realize how pathetic that previous paragraph makes me sound, but oh well.
Btw, I noticed there are quite a few really good breakup songs on the radio right now. One good example is the new Beyonce song "Irreplacable". I absolutely LOVE that song, but I have no reason to cuz I've already found Mr. Right. Where the heck were those songs back when I needed 'em in 2003??

can actually be quite therapeutic... if only temporarily.
Hmmm... what else to write about...
I know this is totally random, but I reeeeally wish I could do this right now:

And I've decided I'm going to learn how... whenever I get better.
If you change the kitty to being a calico, this is exactly what my computer looks like right now with Emmie napping on it...

I can even hear her purring in her sleep.
Saph is curled up in my lap trying bat the computer mouse off my desk (which she's already succeeded at twice).
I'm aiming to have some new pics up on my blog tomorrow, depending on how my doc appointment goes... and pending my ability to get this pesky migraine to bugger off.
I guess that's about all for now. I'm gonna go watch some more of the Australian Open. Andy Roddick's not playing tonight but Rafael Nadal is, and what can I say, he's easy on the eyes too. What can I say? I've got a thing for tennis players... and yes, Adam is included in that category. Speaking of Adam, I found a cute smiley that made me think of him since he's a drummer and all...

Yes, I'm having entirely too much fun with the program that lets me add smileys to my blog.
(for no real reason) aaaaand
which makes for an odd overall mood.
I hope everyone's Monday got off to a good start!
I was trying to make myself some dinner cuz I was hungry but lazy, and every college grad knows that hungry + lazy = single serving easy-mac. So I was just going to make one pouch of it, which called for 3/4 of a cup of water. Then I decided I wanted to make 2 servings at once, which requires 1 cup of water, instead of 3/4. So I add another 1/4 cup of water. Then after looking at the measuring cup I realize that I previously added 2/3 of a cup instead of 3/4. At this point I'm too medicated and lazy (and blonde) to figure out how much more water I need to add to have a full cup of water added to the darn stuff. So what do I do? I suck up my dignity and call my aerospace engineering boyfriend who can do insanely difficult math in his head, cuz I figured this level of math would be a walk in the park for him. And it was. And I felt like an idiot. But hooraaay, the easy-mac got made successfully.
And yes, I realize how pathetic that previous paragraph makes me sound, but oh well.
Btw, I noticed there are quite a few really good breakup songs on the radio right now. One good example is the new Beyonce song "Irreplacable". I absolutely LOVE that song, but I have no reason to cuz I've already found Mr. Right. Where the heck were those songs back when I needed 'em in 2003??
Oh well. I much prefer the alternative of having Adam in my life.
I've decided to start a new thing called "Smiley Of The Week" cuz I'm a dork like that. So here is this week's official smiley cuz when it's been a rough week, even though it's not the most mature thing to do, the simple act of doing this
can actually be quite therapeutic... if only temporarily.
Hmmm... what else to write about...
I know this is totally random, but I reeeeally wish I could do this right now:

And I've decided I'm going to learn how... whenever I get better.
If you change the kitty to being a calico, this is exactly what my computer looks like right now with Emmie napping on it...

I can even hear her purring in her sleep.
Saph is curled up in my lap trying bat the computer mouse off my desk (which she's already succeeded at twice).
I'm aiming to have some new pics up on my blog tomorrow, depending on how my doc appointment goes... and pending my ability to get this pesky migraine to bugger off.
I guess that's about all for now. I'm gonna go watch some more of the Australian Open. Andy Roddick's not playing tonight but Rafael Nadal is, and what can I say, he's easy on the eyes too. What can I say? I've got a thing for tennis players... and yes, Adam is included in that category. Speaking of Adam, I found a cute smiley that made me think of him since he's a drummer and all...

Yes, I'm having entirely too much fun with the program that lets me add smileys to my blog.

I hope everyone's Monday got off to a good start!

Two blogs in as many days?! Who are you and what have you done with the real Nikki? The Devil just called, he said it's fricken freezing down there, Mr Bigglesworth.
BTW, whatever code you're running on your blog page that plays "Nothing Else Matters" totally faked me out. I thought that my winamp was suddenly enabled.
Lastly, I'd like to point out that my insomnia has me posting at 0325h on the first day of class, so I totally smoked you.
Adam will you be MY boyfriend??? LMAO ;-)
Good to see you back and blogging again ...... again, again, again :D
It's an extra 8% or one twelfth approx of a cup lmao ;)
Look at it like this ... 2/3 = 67% + 1/4 = 25% = 92% so you are missing 8% :D
I would have had to ask the hubby too, lol :)
Joff ~ Yup, Hell has officially frozen over cuz I've even posted ANOTHER one within the same week!! *GASP*
OBXN ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggled with that.
Gareth ~ LMAO!!! I asked Adam, and he said he doesn't think it would work with how far away you live. ;-) Hahahaa.
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