Friday, July 06, 2007

It's been a long time, I know...

Sorry y'all, it's been a rough couple of months. Spent a decent amount of time in the hospital due to a prescription drug reaction that it took them 3 weeks to figure out. Let's see... what else has been going on... It's been 2 months since I've gotten to see Adam (my boyfriend of 3 and a half years, for those of you who are new to my blog). You'd think after 4 summers of his being in Chesapeake and me being in Roanoke/Blacksburg, I'd be more used to doing the long-distance thing by now. But to be honest, it still blows. Bigtime. But thankfully I get to see him tomorrow for the first time since early May!!!! Woohoooo!! I'll be spending a lil over a week in Chesapeake (hellooooo beach!) but I'll be updating my blog while I'm gone.

Oh, I don't know how I could have forgotten about it, but my best friend of 22 years Abbie came up on Wednesday, June 20th and whisked me away to North Carolina till July 2nd to get to spend some much-needed girlie time together. It was awesome to be back in North Carolina. We had such a blast. Good movies, not so good movies (*cough* "Alpha Dog" *cough*), good wine, good company... it was just like old times! Sometimes life blesses you with people who may not be family in the literal sense of the word, but end up becoming closer to you than some family... Abbie's the sister I had to find on my own. (This topic also deserves a major shout-out to my Adopted-Mom and adopted-siblings.)


So I'm gonna straight-up gank an idea from Andy Roddick's blog cuz I think it's kinda funny... from now on there are going to be three topics per week:

Self -Chuck of the week: Something someone does that prompts me to encourage them to throw themself into a wall.

Butthead of the Week: Someone in the world whose actions make them a butthead… pretty self-explanatory.

Fine of the Week: I'll be posting the dumbest thing that someone should be fined for. Not meant to be hurtful, just done in good fun.

It'll make more sense as you read them, I promise. And some will be funnier than others.

So for the first time...

Self-Chuck of the Week: Paris Hilton deciding that after a mere 20-some days in a cushy jail that's she's a "changed woman" and has seen how she needs to turn her life around, blah blah blah. Bullshit. There's a better chance of Britney Spears not flashing her underwearless crotch to the paparazzi. Paris, proceed to the nearest wall.

Butthead of the Week: One of my cats, Sapphire. She has now (somehow) figured out how to unzip luggage. I went downstairs to add some more laundry to my zipped-up suitcase when I notice that Saph had unzipped my suitcase and spread the contents all over the floor of my room, essentially unpacking everything I'd already packed. And to top it all off, she was laying IN the open suitcase with this condescending "HAH!" look on her face. Thanks a lot.

Fine of the Week: Sadly, this one goes to me... So I'm doing laundry today so I'll actually have clothes to pack for Chesapeake... It took me at least 10 minutes to figure out why the clothes were still dirty after having gone through a full wash cycle. It turns out that putting laundry detergent IN the washer with the clothes tends to help the cleaning process. I guess I was in auto-pilot from already having done 3 loads of laundry, but yes, I'm a dumbass.


(Sorry for the lack of smilies and pics in this post... I'm not writing this on my own computer so I don't have the program that lets me make the posts more interesting, rather than just all text.)


I guess that's all for now... I've got some repacking to do (courtesy of Saph) and my tummy is rumbling for some dinner.

I apologize again for being absent from the blogging world for so long.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better. Great categories, but I'm not sure Paris is smart enough to figure out how to throw herself into a wall.

6:58 PM  
Blogger lonely palmtree said...


you make a very valid point about Paris. :-)

2:45 AM  
Blogger Misty said...

I absolutely loved the post dear - So glad you're back - the best thing you said was "My tummy is rumbling" and you wanted to eat! Welcome back to your loved ones and family - keep moving forward and before you know - you'll be playing some kind of lawn sport with Adam and smiling the whole time! Wheeeeeeee - croquet anyone??? Love ya - AD-MOM! :)

7:53 AM  
Blogger Kingcover said...

Yayyyyyyyyyy, you're back lil sis!!! :-)
You HAVE been a busy woman haven't you. Wow.
I heard a joke on a game show over here a couple of weeks ago just after Paris was allowed to leave to prison. It went a little something like this ......... "Yet another tough sentence that Paris Hilton couldn't get to the end of" ......... Get it??? :-P

I have made a new blog so that's why my blog link that you have on your currently list is showing up as a white screen (I'm waiting to get it back from 'the powers that be'). My new blog is 'invite only' so I'll use your email addy to invite you right now .....


1:08 PM  
Blogger Kingcover said...

Check your emails lil sis ;-)

3:21 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

Knock KNock KNOCK! Ha sanyone seen Lonelypalm tree! :)

8:21 PM  

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