It's been a busy month...
Adam insisted he could take the picture himself. So here's me and most of him.
Good times.
Then we got to move Adam into his new studio apt up in Blacksburg, which sadly meant saying goodbye to 7600K at Foxridge as well as Adam's roommate Luke. That apartment has so many good memories attached to it. Our last night in it, we stayed up till 4am goofing off just like old times.
While we were cleaning out the fridge, Luke found a half gallon of milk with an expiration date that was from May. This is what it looked like:
And this is what it looked like after we strapped explosives to it:

And here are the remains of it after some pyrotechnics out back of their apt:
Yes, it was completely DISGUSTING!!! (We cleaned up the mess afterwards.) After that, Luke and Adam got bored so they started playing with an electric drill. (This is why men have a "Y" chromosome... cuz it stands for "WHY?!?") Anyways, I've given up on trying to understand their trains of thought, I just try to minimize the damage afterwards. Haha.
Adam being his goofball self.
Here Luke is trying to attach the tail of a Victoria's Secret stuffed animal (dog) to his electric drill.
And here is Luke spinning the dog at full speed on the drill.
Here's what was left of the poor dog after many spins on the drill.
What can I say? We went out with a bang. It was a fun night of debauchery for old time's sake.
Abbie and her husband Marcus definitely deserve a MAJOR shout out for getting me the 7th Harry Potter book!!! It was freakin amazing!!
But also a lil sad cuz it's the last book of the series.
What can I say? I'm a major Potterhead. A big HUGE thanks to Adam for surprising me with tickets to be one of the first people in the country to get to see the newest Harry Potter movie!!!
(And also a big hooray for Daniel Radcliffe-the actor who plays Harry Potter-finally being legal! Hee hee.) Shine halo, shine!
Self-Chuck of the week: Promises Rehab Center in California. I've never heard of so many stars having to keep going back to the same rehab place after consistently relapsing. Case in point: Lindsay Lohan: she spent almost 2 months there to get clean of alcohol and cocaine. Then a week ago she hijacks a car to chase down her assistant who quit, and here's the kicker... when the cops got there she had cocaine in her pocket!!! WTF?? Lindsay AND Promises Rehab can proceed to the nearest wall. Lindsay'll need some alcohol and a car to be able to hit the wall though.
Butthead of the week: This one goes to Jeff Marx, the new GM of WDBJ7 on the grounds that he is a complete moron who doesn't know his own ass from a hole in the wall. Some of you will understand this one and appreciate it. Some won't.
Fine of the week: Sadly this one goes to me again. I was talking to Adam on the phone the other night and I was trying to come up with a word that I was blanking on, so I started describing it to him so he could help me come up with the word. Here's how it went:
me: what's that game where you've got the pin thing that launches the ball?
Adam: pinball?
me: not one of my prouder moments, by in my own self-defense, I am blonde. And anyways, one of the former sports reporters at WDBJ7 Steve Mason had a worse one... he actually said ON THE AIR "What's that game with the music and the chairs?" Hahahaa.
I've gotta go get ready for a doc appt tonight... Bye for now!