It's been a rough week for me. I thank God above for the unconditional love of my two babies Saph and Emmie. No matter what happens at the doc appointments with my myriad of conditions, it's the most wonderful feeling to have my babies waiting at home to cheer me up. Actually, this post is gonna end up taking forever to type because I have an adorable Emmie curled up in my lap snuggling into my right arm. So I'm having to slowly type with just my left hand. But it's sooo worth it have kitty snuggles.
Speaking of medical problems, let me share the most recent occurrences. First of all I had to have outpatient surgery to try and fix one of the many problems I've got. The surgery itself wasn't too bad cuz I was knocked out for it. It's the recuperating that's been EXTREMELY painful and difficult. I figured, heck, I've had my colon removed through a series of two surgeries so this should be a piece of cake. What I forgot to take into account was that for my colon surgeries, I had an epideral with morphine. This time around, I've had limited pain relief available to me.

The most recent medical issue was this past Thursday (aka yesterday). Because of my ongoing severe anemia problems that are not responding to iron supplements, my doc FINALLY referred me to a hematologist (a blood doc). So I go into the appointment expecting to probably have some more blood drawn, and that would probably be it. I could not have been more wrong. It started out with them pricking my finger to get a sample at the very beginning of the appointment. So far, so good. Then, based on the results of that bloodwork, the doc desides he needs to take a sample of my bone marrow. For those of you who are not familiar with the procedure, they put an IV in, draw 6 more vials of blood for advanced blood testing, then inject a joke of a "relaxation drug" that's supposed to make the procedure more comfortable. It wasn't having any effect. So they gave me some more. Still no effect. So they go ahead with the procedure where they DRILLED A HOLE IN MY BACK WHILE I AM AWAKE AND FULLY CONSCIOUS to extract a sample of my bone marrow.
Now, if this tells you how painful and gross it was, my dad has a pretty strong stomach and HE even said it looked ridiculously painful and archaic. (Much like a tree corer, for the one or two forestry people who read my blog.) I am sent home in an excruciating amount of pain. Then, after I get back home, the "relaxation" drugs start to take effect AN HOUR AFTER THE PROCEDURE. So I spend the afternoon having wacky conversations with myself and my sister that I have no recollection of, meanwhile I can remember every painful moment of the bone marrow extraction procedure. So now I've got a HOLE IN MY BACK that keeps oozing and seeping (sorry for those of you with weak stomachs) and the procedure has now made it too painful to sleep on my back, and has also caused general severe body pain on the right side of my body down to my knee. But after the extraction and before leaving the doc's office, they gave me one shot of some sort of iron in each arm. The injections were painful, as is any instance of skin being broken with a sharp object, but what I was not prepared for was the constant muscle pain that it's STILL causing in both arms. So now I can't sleep on either side because of the muscle pain from the shots. I can't sleep on my back because of the bone marrow extraction pain that isn't going away. And I can't sleep on my stomach because the rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia make it too painful. Basically, there is no position I can get in where I don't hurt!

I was supposed to go visit both sets of grandparents this weekend, and I'd had conversations a couple weeks ago where they kept letting me know how much they are looking forward to getting to see me. But because of all of the pain, I've had to back out of the trip. So now I feel like a complete ass (excuse the language) for disappointing my grandparents. I'd REALLY been looking forward to getting to see them, because it's been awhile since our last visits. My dad understands the situation I'm in but I can tell he is disappointed too, even though he would never say so.

So yeah, it's been a rough week. I'm ending up on my own until this Wednesday. My sister is trying really hard to cheer me up, and I appreciate it, but I'm just in one of those moods where I don't even want to be cheered up, if that makes any sense. I ended up having an impromptu intervention-type situation with dad and Gene' last night cuz I was having some not so good thoughts and they were worried I was gonna do something irreversible. And to be honest, the thought was crossing my mind. I totally hit rock bottom last night.
So that's my screwed up life right now. I apologize for this email ending up being a bitchfest and paragraphs of pure venting, but I guess I just needed to get some of that out. And that's pretty much all that's been going on lately. Wish I had some cheery stuff to post, but that category is kinda lacking in my life right now. Except for the totally awesome comment from my Ad-Mom about how I really remind her of my Mom. I think that's one of the best compliments I've ever received, and I really appreciated it.
I guess I'm going to go watch a movie and hope to get some sleep tonight before watching my Virginia Tech HOKIES kick some Tarheel football hiney tomorrow at noon. Hey, I've actually come up with some silver lining about the situation: by being shafted by my boyfriend for the sake of his rude guests and having to stay in Roanoke by myself, now I get to watch the game in high definition on my dad's widescreen tv! Woohoooo! Pity I'll be watching it by myself though. Narf.
Sorry for the downer post, but kudos to those of you who cared to read my venting about my less-than-nice life right now. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.