Saturday, July 29, 2006

Ok, so I'm now up to 17 different prescription medications at the same time :-/

Wow, it's been more than a week since my last post. And the weather girl on my blog still looks like a hooker. :-P But look at the beautimous addition of Andy Roddick to my blog! There's even a cool update thingy straight from his website underneath! If you're not as into tennis (or Andy Roddick) as I am, then the ladies can just consider it a lil eye candy for visiting my blog. And if you prefer female eye candy, then you can check out the streetwalking weather girl underneath Roddick's info. :-P

I'm sorry for going AWOL like that. My entire body hurts so bad I could SCREAM, and with my wrists flaring up, it makes typing a little difficult. I'm frustrated beyond words with the ongoing game of "Stump the 11 Doctors". Good news is my main doc mentioned today that he wants to refer me to Duke University so they can poke and prod and hopefully figure out what's wrong. Dunno how long the referral process will take though. The part that's gonna kill me is that I'm a hardcore Tarheels
fan, ergo the thought of putting my health in Duke's hands makes me shudder. But hey, if they can cure me, I might change my opinion of their establishment. ;-) Think they'd get mad if I wore my Tarheels letterman jacket down there? Ha ha.

They've now put me on a pretty strong cocktail of drugs to handle the mental side effects of my current situation and they basically knock me on my hiney and mimic the effects of being a rambling/stumbling drunk so I think I'ma go lay down.

I'll try not to be so sporadic with the posts in the future. Hope all of y'all have been having a good week! I promise to get caught up on your blogs in the next day or two.

G'nighty night.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I love Emode...

Last quiz for at least a day or two, I swear, but this one was too cute to pass up.

The emoticon that represents you best is the Sticking-Tongue-Out Face.

Take this test at Tickle

The emoticon that represents you best is as good-humored as you. No matter if knock-knock jokes, sarcasm, or slapstick get you going, it's clear that you've got more than a couple funny bones in your body. Getting a laugh out of people isn't always easy, but it seems second nature to you. You're not one to take life too seriously, and you know firsthand that laughter really is the best medicine.

Which Emoticon Are You?

If laughter is the best medicine, then shouldn't I be cured by now? :-P
Oh, and has anyone else noticed that my weather girl on my blog kinda looks like a hooker working her street corner? Hahahahaaa. Oh well. ;-)

Sweet dreams to all.

Found a better way to have computer access at Adam's...

Hi y'all. Last night when I was goofing off on the internet for about 7 hours I was in the Cowling's isolated den at their computer. But Adam mentioned to me today that his family has wireless internet in the house, so I snuck into Adam's room and am, um, "borrowing" his laptop so I can lay on the couch and watch tv while I goof off. I think I'm too addicted to multitasking. And their den chair is not as comfy as the couch. :-P

Still haven't slept yet. I laid in bed for about 5 hours between 7am and noon this morning but still couldn't sleep. Oh well. I'll talk to my doc AGAIN about it when I get back to Roanoke on Saturday. But on the plus side, it's giving me time to work on my blog and get caught up on y'alls. (See? I'm getting good at the whole "silver lining" thing.) ;-)

Thanks Gareth for letting me know about the bum links. I think I've gotten it straightened out now. I'm such a quiz junkie. Y'all feel free to send me whatever results ya get. (I'm nosy, too.) :-P

Adam actually has tomorrow off from work so it looks like I'ma get to go to some craft stores tomorrow!! For part of my bday he's getting me $30 worth of beading supplies, and that'll buy a BUNCH of stuff. I'm so excited. I'm also getting spoiled rotten because they have a swimming pool outback and I'm getting a little too used to being able to go hang out in the pool everyday. I can do things in the pool that I can't do on dry land. Ok, that didn't come out right. It's just that in water I can put full weight on my bad knee without it hurting as much, and I can stretch out muscles that I can't normally do. Think I'ma have to try and get involved in some water aerobics classes like my rheumatologist suggested. I also want a masseuse like he also suggested... maybe a hot one who has a nice accent. Hee hee. Um, just kidding? ;-)

Ok, I'm getting much goofier from my lortab, so I'ma go take some silly quizzes on
emode (which was also my prime method of procrastination all throughout college). Hee hee.

Hope everyone has had a really good day.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

the timestamp at the end of this post is not wrong...

It is nearly 6am and I have still not been able to sleep yet. I'm on enough prescription drugs to easily put an elephant into a state of hibernation (yes I realize elephants don't hibernate, just work with me here) yet I still cannot sleep. Hellloooooooooo frustration.

But on a positive note I got caught up on y'alls blogs. Looks like I've missed a lot since I've been gone. Glad everything seems to be going well for everyone... except for Tina's sunburn... hope you're already at the peeling process and speeding along to recovery.

I'm off for attempt #3 at sleep. If it doesn't work this time, everyone will know because my frustrated screaming will travel all the way across the state. :-P

Nighty night. Or rather, g'morning. ;-)

More info than you probably want to know about me...

Couldn't sleep so I found this site through Ad-Mom's blog and figured I'd take a few quizzes to hopefully make me sleepy...


This one's kinda weird considering I don't even like that kind of icecream, but oh well. :-P

You Are Pistachio Ice Cream
Funky. Surprising. Wild.


And then I decided to figure out which John Cusack Movie my life is like out of sheer curiousity, and it ended up being one of my favorite 80s movies! Woohooo! I have this poster on my wall, btw. I loves me some chick flicks.

Your Life is Like
Say Anything...


I'm not sure if I even completely believe in auras, but this was a fun one...

Your Aura is Blue
Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.
You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone.
Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor.
And then I still couldn't sleep so I decided to find out how blonde I am... *insert obvious joke(s) here*... ;-)

You Are a Strawberry Blonde

Men see you as flirtatious, but they also see you as a challengeBecause you're totally fearless and carefreeYou've got the lightheartedness of a blonde, with the attitude of a redhead

Last one, I swear... at least for now. :-P I'm tellin ya, these things are addicting and GREAT for insomniacs!
Your Element is Water
Your power colors: blue and aqua
Your energy: deep
Your season: winter
Like the ocean, you evoke deep feelings and passion.You have an emotional, sensitive, and spiritual soul.A bit mysterious, you tend to be quiet when you are working out a problem.You need your alone time, so that you can think and dream.
Anyways, think I'ma go try AGAIN to get some sleep. Sorry for the over-sharing tonight. Hope all y'all are doing well! :-)

Holy crap the cripple is finally on vacation!!!

Good news: I'm finally on vacation and seeing someplace beside the inside of my bedroom for a week! I'm spending the week in Chesapeake actually getting to SPEND TIME with my boyfriend for the first time in two months! What a concept! ;-)

Bad news: My 'puter time has been limited so I've fallen behind on keeping up with y'alls blogs. :-( I promise I'll be better about it in the next few days.

Chesapeake has been so relaxing and the Cowlings have been absolutely amazing putting up with all my medicated quirks and ongoing illnesses. Adam and I aren't married yet but they already treat me like a daughter and are an amazing source of support, just like you guys.

Anyways, it's late and my meds are starting to kick, so I'ma go try and get some sleep. Sweet dreams everyone!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I am now a card carrying member of the AARP...

I kid you not. I checked the mail a couple days ago and lo and behold there was an envelope from the American Association for Retired Persons. I thought, ok, this is weird. So I opened the envelope and there was my light blue membership card.

My thinking is that they found out that I have multiple ailments that usually only afflict people over the age of 60, and they saw how many prescriptions I'm on, and said "Sign that girl up! She's gotta be at least 75!"

So the first thing I did was call my younger boyfriend (I'm 26 and he's 21) and inform him that he is now dating a member of the AARP. He he stopped laughing... 5 minutes later.

Oh well. At least this means I get some discounts and stuff now, right? ;-)

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Me thinks my medications are messing with my head cuz I've been reminiscing a lot lately and going back through some of my old writings. Well, and insomnia doesn't help silence the mind either. Anyways, here's some of my writings I came across earlier tonight.


What I learned during my time at UNC-Wilmington... most of these are attributed to Brett (a friend who's standing the test of time)...

~ Guys get embarassed when a girl can throw a football harder and farther than them.
~ Nobody is around forever, so have a darn good time with the person while they're around.
~ I can't force a person to do what I believe to be right, but I can be there when they need to talk.
~ How great it is to play tackle football on the beach.
~ What it looks like to see steam rise off the ocean while it's snowing.
~ How worthwile it is to sit on a cold beach for hours just to see the sunrise.
~ Conversations don't always require words.
~ How stress-relieving it can be to hit golf balls into the ocean with a good friend in the middle of the night.
~ Some of the best conversations I've had have been during the hours of midnight and 6am.
~ It is possible to become best friends with a person in a matter of months.
~ People are going to think whatever they want about me, and it's my responsibility to not let it bother me.
~ It's never too late at night to go to the beach.
~ How the perfect way to unleash frustration and stress is to go sliding around in puddles during a rainstorm with a good friend or two.
~ Any sport can be played in the rain in the middle of the night.
~ When being assaulted by a drunk stranger, a swift kick in the nuts can subdue just about any guy.
~ I can easily finish off a large pizza and a two liter drink when I've had a bad day.
~ I'm not the only one who doesn't know what they want to do in life, and that's normal.
~ People can *not* fit out the dorm windows.
~ The only way to enjoy Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is with an entire case of beer.
~ How to identify almost any Metallica song.
~ How great it feels to run a 5K marathon and not finish in last place.
~ Sometimes you just need to crawl under the covers with a stuffed animal and sleep for a few days.
~ Caffeine and pizza are a girl's best friend.
~ How to play the guitar.
~ Guys are gonna see you without makeup on. Get over it.
~ How to change a tire.
~ There are different kinds of soulmates.
~ How to jump a 14 foot fence (long story).
~ A lot of the things that were considered to be a big deal in high school really aren't.
~ There are different kinds of love, and not all kinds end in marriage.
~ Occassionally, someone will come along who challenges you and makes you have more faith in yourself than you had before.


What I learned during my time at Virginia Tech... most of these are attributed to romantic mistake #1...

~ People who made fun of me or ignored me in high school now treat me like a long lost friend.
~I can hike from the top of Mount Rogers to the bottom with nothing but a compass bearing, two good friends, and a backpack.
~ Short distance relationships are much different than long distance ones, in both negative and positive ways.
~ A loft is pretty darn fun, especially when I don't smack my head into it.
~ How much I took for granted being five minutes from the beach.
~ How much I miss midnight walks, sunrises, and football on the beach.
~ I may not always be 100% sure about my decision to leave Wilmington, but it's done so I have to make the best of it.
~ It's getting harder and harder to pull all-nighters.
~ Things rarely ever go the way I plan them, so get over it.
~ I have to be happy with myself before I can be happy in other aspects of my life.
~ You can't always believe everything you're told.
~ I really miss hitting golf balls in the ocean with a really good friend.
~ As much as I may think I know someone, people do change. It's just a matter of whether or not you change with them or apart from them.
~ There is a difference between listening to my heart and listening to what I want my heart to say.
~ People fall in love, and people fall out love. I can't change that, and any time spent doing so is a waste.
~ It's almost as painful to hear the right things from the wrong person as it is to hear nothing from the person you're with.
~ People aren't always who you think they are. You can either dwell on it, or get over it.
~ Just because you have everything in common with someone, that doesn't mean they're the right person for you.
~ Getting dumped can be both the most devastating and most liberating experience.
~ A person who used to mean everything to you can easily become a stranger in a matter of months, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.


What I learned after graduation... most of these are attributed to the addition of Adam in my life, among a few other people...

~ Time can fly and crawl at the same time.
~ How good it feels to have a group of friends who genuinely care about me.
~ Material things aren't that important. They're just things and they don't define you.
~ How meaningful all night IHOP trips can be with a fellow insomniac.
~ You can't look to anyone else for self esteem and confidence. That has to come from yourself.
~ My ties to the beach have not weakened since I've been gone.
~ You'll be blessed with some people who feel more like family than some actual relatives do (*cough* ad-mom *cough*) ;-)
~ I can face the person who used to mean everything to me, and walk away with a sense of contentment and happiness with how things have turned out.
~ Age really is just a number.
~ There are no such things as coincidences.
~ How to make a toga.
~ It is perfectly healthy to be selfish sometimes.
~ How satisfying it can be to live in the moment and act on instinct.
~ It is actually possible to have a relationship without losing my independence and myself.
~How to open bottles with the skin on my arm (ok, not one of my prouder moments).
~ There *are* guys out there who take pride in being a gentleman and treating women with respect.


Okay, enough insomniac ramblings for one evening because this is probably already gonna be a monstrously long post. If anyone actually read all of it, kudos! :-)


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hi y'all!

I've got the best Adopted Mom in the world! I really appreciate her getting me in touch with her friends and family. This is gonna be a short post cuz I'm pretty medicated right now, but I promise I'll write something more substantial (and more interesting) later. Thanks to everyone who posted comments! That made my day. :-)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!!

This is by far my favorite holiday! When Adam and I tie the knot, I'm definitely getting married on the 4th of July... free fireworks! ;-) In honor of today, here's one of my favorite Jimmy Buffett songs:

...Independence Day
And all I remember
Was a midnight rainbow
That fell from the sky
As I stand on the beach
I slowly surrender
To the child in me
That can't say goodbye

The rockets in the air
And the people everywhere
Put away their differences for a while
Oh I am still a child
When it comes to something wild
Oh that was the night
I painted the sky

I dug in the sand
Like a boy on a mission
And there in my hands
A pyro's delight

If un bombardier
A night time magician
I sparked the sky
As the rockets fly from view

The rockets in the air
And the people everywhere
Put away their differences for a while
Yes I am still a child
When it comes to something wild
Oh that was the nightI painted the sky

Oh the mortars they roar
In anticipation
Proceeding the sigh
Of the uplifted eyes
It showers us all
In sulfuric sensation
The colors shine
And a fiery rhyme tonight

The rockets in the air
And the people everywhere
Won't you put away your differences for a while
I am but a child
When it comes to something wild
Oh that was the night
That was the night
Oh that was the night
I painted the sky...


Jimmy Buffett always brings back memories of happier times when Mom was around. Isn't it weird how something as simple as a song can take you back a few years? Anyways, enough rambling. Hope everyone gets to see some fireworks and has a safe and happy Fourth of July!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Finally moved out of my apartment... well, almost...

Today I learned something that would strike most people as being pretty obvious knowledge: the amount of stuff you accumulate is directly related to how difficult it is to move to a new place. (We'll just blame my ignorance on the large quantities of meds I'm on.)

I kinda felt like a slacker during the moving process because I was lucky enough to have Brian, Gene', Dad, and Margaret helping out, but I was unable to help move anything heavier than a tissue box due to my medical situation. Just one more little load to bring up tomorrow and then I will not have to deal with my difficult roommate ever again! Yaaaaaay!!

Now the only downside is I have about 30 boxes of stuff to be unpacked. But just one more day till I get to have my adorable kitties in my room with me!! Woohoooo!

I know my blog is still pretty lame, so be patient with me a lil longer. I've finally gotten my computer moved up here, so I should have some witty stuff to put on here in the next day or two. Might even get brave enough to post some of my writings... we'll see.

Anyways, I hope y'all are having a great Fourth of July weekend!